Vegans rule, according to Beyoncé
On January 31st, Beyoncé’s Twitter account was ringing with a new announcement: she is going to give away free entry tickets (valid for life) for her concerts and those of Jay-Z… on the condition that the lucky fans change their diet to become vegan.
By Ophélie Manya.
This year, Queen B has got food on her mind. The diva, who recently went vegan, is inviting her fans to do the same. And to motivate them, she’s come up with a genius idea: offer them a concert ticket for every one of her concerts and those of Jay-Z, valid for life. “What is your greenprint?” the singer asked her followers on Instagram. “Greenprint”, is a reference to the book published by her personal coach Marco Borges, physiologist and founder of 22 Days Nutrition, a company that suggests adopting a lifestyle in which plants reign supreme. The company also offers nutrition programs, that Beyoncé has followed, most notably before her concerts at the Coachella festival in 2018. “We are challenging you to adopt a more vegan lifestyle, save your health and that of the planet.” But the French Beyhive [as fans are known] won’t have the chance to follow the same diet as the queen of bees… only US residents, age 18 and over, are eligible to enter. And the ticket is valid for 30 years, limited to one concert per tour.
“We can reduce carbon emissions, a reduction that’s the equivalent of providing electricity to twelve homes a year.” greenprintproject
Nevertheless, US participants will have the choice between several variations of vegan diet: going vegan full time, eat at least one vegan meal every morning for breakfast, eat at least one vegan meal at work, eat two vegan meals a day, eat a vegan meal every Monday, or be vegan all week and get meaty at the weekends. The greenprintproject.com website, created especially for the competition, presents some seriously concrete arguments, if the fact uber-couple Beyoncé/Jay-Z are doing it wasn’t enough: “If one of your friends also eats more vegan meals, we can reduce carbon emissions, a reduction that’s the equivalent of providing electricity to twelve homes a year.” Food for thought, and which almost makes us want to remix Beyoncé’s hit to “Who run the world ? Vegans !”