11 jun 2020

Sebastião Salgado in 10 breath-taking landscapes

Major figure of photojournalism with his mastery of black and white landscape, the French-Brazilian reporter Sebastião Salgado has nothing left to prove. With his analogue and digital cameras, the 76 years old photographer creates a world in different shades of grey, in which lights and contrasts build the captivating depth one can find on large prints as well as in thick monographs. In almost five decades, this tireless and committed traveler went across six continents, through hundreds of countries in total. From the native civilizations in the Amazon and the deserted glaciers in the Arctic Ocean, to Sudan, Libya, India or China, his reports unveil a double mission: enhancing the diversity present in nature, while sharing his humanist perception of the world. Throwback to ten of his most staggering landscapes.

1. Kafue National Park, Zambia (2010)



Une publication partagée par IL FOTOGRAFO (@il_fotografo_magazine) le 16 Déc. 2018 à 7 :38 PST

2. Waura group in the Upper Xingu region (2005)



Une publication partagée par Feature Shoot (@featureshoot) le 8 Avril 2016 à 3 :04 PDT

3. Dinka cattle camp of Amak, Southern Sudan (2006)



Une publication partagée par Leica Camera USA (@leicacamerausa) le 9 Mars 2016 à 10 :09 PST

4. Sahara, South of Djanet, Algeria (2009)



Une publication partagée par Feature Shoot (@featureshoot) le 7 Avril 2016 à 7 :01 PDT

5. Chinstrap penguins on an iceberg located between Zavodovski and Visokoi Islands. South Sandwich Islands (2009)



Une publication partagée par Fisheye Magazine (@fisheyelemag) le 21 Févr. 2020 à 4 :59 PST

6. Benako camp, Tanzania (1994)



Une publication partagée par Fondazione Pistoia Musei (@fondazionepistoiamusei) le 27 Févr. 2020 à 11 :51 PST

7. Iceberg Weddel sea (2005)



Une publication partagée par Fondazione Pistoia Musei (@fondazionepistoiamusei) le 22 Avril 2020 à 7 :46 PDT

8. The Salt of the Earth (2014)



Une publication partagée par Art Unlimited İstanbul (@unlimited_rag) le 21 Avril 2020 à 5 :35 PDT

9. Eastern Brooks Range in the Yukon Territory (2004)


10. Wood being delivered to villages in the eastern Sierra Madre (1980)



Une publication partagée par Candela (@candelapodcast) le 10 Mai 2020 à 5 :38 PDT