8 sep 2020

Between pop art and porno chic, the world of David LaChapelle in two books

Veritable pictorial compositions, David LaChapelle’s photographs unashamedly mix together clashing colours, kitsch details, subversive humour, sexual and religious references with celebrity and society as the backdrop. This autumn Tashen is publishing two reference books on the artist and friend of Andy Warhol.

In the book Lost + Found, a visual fresco depicting our society and its shortcomings, and the volume entitled Good News, evoking his creative renaissance – between morbid fascination and a quest for paradise by turning his back on the material world – the American photographer, whose first ever series was published by Andy Warhol in his magazine Interview, unveils previously unpublished images bringing new insight to his work with Pamela Anderson, Miley Cyrus, Kendall Jenner and Amy Winehouse.


Available in October on taschen.com