3 sep 2020

Twin Peaks VR: the immersive experience that will bend your mind

In Los Angeles, at the Disruption festival, filmmaker David Lynch has created a virtual reality game based on his cult TV series, “Twin Peaks”. Plunged into the shoes of Detective Dale Cooper, participants are challenged to escape from the infernal “Red Room”.

Twin Peaks season 3 : “The Return”

To enter into the delirious dimensions of David Lynch’s imagination is now entirely possible for anyone who should so desire. This October 13th and 14th, the renowned director will be in Los Angeles to present Twin Peaks VR, an unsettling virtual reality experience based on the cult 1990s TV saga. It will take place at Disruption festival, a celebration of audio-visual art that Lynch himself organises. The stuff of a cult fan’s wildest dreams: assume the guise Special-Agent Dale Cooper, investigating the murder of schoolgirl Laura Palmer in the small town of Twin Peaks.


Among the series’ most iconic locations is the “Red Room”, where Agent Dale Cooper comes unstuck. Between parallel universe and a map of the unconscious, this nightmarish space is just one of the series’ many mysteries. Somewhat in the manner of a game of Cluedo, the participants will attempt to return to reality by overcoming the obstacles of this otherworld, enfolded in red curtains and a chillingly fantastical atmosphere.


A new stroke of genius then for this master of surrealism, who has created the project in collaboration with developers Collider Games (Assassin’s Creed) and the cable channel Showtime. Who have furthermore indicated that they will incorporate several story elements from The Return, the third season of Twin Peaks. aired last year, almost thirty years after the release of the second season.


For those who can’t practically get to the festival in question, the game will be released at a later date for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift headsets, as well as the streaming service, Stream. The release date remains to be confirmed.